What to keep in mind when picking exterior paint colors

Some house colors are classic, while others seem trendy for a few years. Personal preference is a top motivation, although there are other factors you should consider. Maybe a certain color doesn’t age well, or doesn’t look the same in sunlight. Other colors might surprise you with their lasting appeal.

Here’s what you should think about before choosing paint colors for your home’s exterior.

What to keep in mind when picking exterior paint colors.

Look at your surroundings

If you live in a neighborhood with a Home Owner’s Association (HOA), you should always check their guidelines before you paint your home. HOA aside, there are other things to consider. For one, consider the neighborhood you live in. A blue house may fit in well in some places, but in others, it could use a toning down. That doesn’t mean you can’t have your color of choice, but tone can make it stand out or accent your area.

The age of your home

There’s something to be said about more historical homes and buildings and how they’re kept up. While a modern home might take well to trendy, flashy colors, older buildings look best when you accent their classic appeal. You can still try something different, but keep it closer to the original coloring.

Play off the colors you already have

If you’re thinking about painting the exterior of your home, have you looked at the color of your roof? What about the fixtures and plants in your garden? If you have a fence, painted, wrought iron, or otherwise, keep those colors in mind too.

Aim for colors that complement your roof, rather than clash with it. People tend to forget their roof is a staple part of their home’s exterior when they’re painting. Unfortunately, that can turn a color you thought you loved into a color you can’t stand anymore.

Utilizing Light Colors

You might have noticed that huge, grand estates are often painted in white or light colors. Use the same principle and leverage light colors to make your home look bigger. Besides just a plain white, there are a variety of interesting off-white shades or light cream colors for a touch of elegance.

Look from the inside out

The interior of your home speaks volumes about you. Why not let that lead your choices for the exterior of your home? If you like warm ochre colors, find an exterior paint that plays off how you decorate inside. Or, if you prefer modern, minimalist styles, try something neutral, but bold for the outside. The best way to give your whole home a makeover (even if you’re only painting outside), is to make it look like a cohesive piece of design, rather than two piecemeal projects you decided to put together.


Painting the exterior of your home is one of the best ways to give it a facelift. The paint you choose says a lot about your personality, and your design choices. Remember that harmonizing colors are important, whether from your neighborhood, the architecture of your home, to your garden, to complementing your design choices inside your home. Call Boynton Beach house painters, Gustafson Painting.